A Brief to Everything You Need to Know About Food Security in Kenya

When everyone, at all times, has physical, social, and financial access to enough, safe, and nutritious food to suit their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life, then there is food security. Food availability, access to food, usage, and stability are the four pillars of food security . The idea of food security is fundamentally impacted by nutrition. In Kenya, food production is not keeping up with demand. According to a recent analysis from the Institute for Security Studies, to fulfil consumption in 2030, yearly agricultural production will need to rise by an estimated 75% from 2015 levels. Every citizen has the right to "be free from hunger and to have adequate food of acceptable quality," according to the Right to food in Kenya's constitution. With almost 33% of Kenya's GDP coming from the agricultural sector, it is the foundation of the economy. However, recent years have seen a stagnation in agricultural productivity...