Advantages of agroecology over other farming methods.


Money can buy food but it cannot create food, for creating various types of crops there is only one way and that is through farming. There are many ways or methods of farming but the most trendy nowadays is agroecology.

In this blog, some of the benefits are mentioned which one can get by agroecology. Agriculture and Food security is the most essential security any country needs and that is why new ways of farming are introduced.

Hunger relief in Africa, Kenya can be tough due to extreme climatic conditions. However, with modern agroecology growing nourished crops can be possible. Hence, this type of farming is the latest trend nowadays.

Advantages of agroecology-

·         It is safe for human health as no harmful chemicals are sprayed in farming

·         This farming method helps in maintaining a clean environment.

·         Erosion of soil is the greatest concern but with agroecology, the soil remains unharmed.

·         The method of agroecology is quite affordable and so can be used by many farmers.

The right to satisfy hunger is a basic need and in most constitutions, there is a separate clause like the Right to food in Kenya's constitution. There would be a double benefit by agroecology one is getting nutritious food and the other is saving the environment!


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