It Is Important To Ensure Safe And Adequate Food Availability For Everyone

It is a known fact that amongst the basic needs of life, food is the most important one. We need to take care to ensure that food of acceptable quality and adequate quantity is available for people all over the world, serving the nutritional requirement. This requires a joint initiative from people from all walks of life to come together and work to achieve hundred percent food security.

There is acute shortage of safe food to many people all over the world. In a country like Kenya., it is even more pronounced. It has been decided that people from all backgrounds should come forward to do whatever they can to ensure access to safe and adequate food for all by joining Route to food initiative.

If we take up the case of Kenya, we find some initiatives taken by the people who belongs to various backgrounds. To ensure that all the citizens have access to safe and nutritious food as per their cultural preferences , as mentioned in Food Security Bill in Kenya are working tirelessly. What is worrying them is that after so many years of Independence, and going through so many regimes, the status of food security did not change.

To ensure food security, one has to take care about the first step towards it – agriculture. As per the definition of food security, the food should be safe for the people. With increased used of toxic chemicals to increase harvest volume, food safety is getting compromised. The farming practice being followed is causing various diseases in human body, this necessitates our steps to be taken where agriculture and food security goes hand in hand.

Food being the basic need of our lives, it is accepted that individuals have a right to food. The food should be secured to all, and it should be taken note that people should be able to feed oneself with dignity. One should be able to have both physical and economic access to adequate, safe and nutritious food. No one should go to bed hungry, no child should attend school hungry and everyone should have adequate food of acceptable quality,  as is stated by Right to Food in Kenya's constitution in Article 43.

The practice of safe and healthy farming is equally important to food security. The prevalent use of pesticides in agriculture is not going to be a sustainable answer to food problems of Kenya. In spite of enough food being there to feed the world population, a large number of people remain hungry. In order to provide Hunger relief in Africa, Kenya a sustainable way is emerging in the form of Agroecology.


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