The Right to Food Security Initiative will provide more efficient food for all

Food Security is necessary for every country to feed its citizens at all times with safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary requirements. Thus every citizen who has adequate food will offer active and healthy life. Thus food systems in Kenya led to the foundation of four pillars of food security that are access, availability, utilization and stability.

Inadequate food insecurity leads to deficiencies, overweight and obesity. Thus, UN agencies are presenting new routes to food initiatives for achieving the goal of attaining complete nutrition for every citizen and offering nutrition and high-quality food for all.

These four pillars of food security require a sufficient amount of food to be available for all. The physical and economic access to food should be available with all adequate infrastructures. It also defines the stability of the supply of food and accessibility of food.

However, it also states that effective food safety and hygiene should be applied in the production process. Thus, the UN has provided Hunger relief in Africa, Kenya to have adequate food for all.

Thus the government has also made it mandatory to restrict the use of pesticides in Kenya for sufficient food for all and with domestic production that will help in the availability of food for a longer period.


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